Looking for kiloWatts-hour to Joules converter?
Simple unit conversion tool that helps you to convert Joules to kiloWatts-hour.
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Looking for kiloWatts-hour to Joules converter?
Simple unit conversion tool that helps you to convert Joules to kiloWatts-hour.
1 Joule = 2.777778e-7 kiloWatts-hour
1 kiloWatt-hour = 3,600,000 J
If we want to convert 1000 Joules in kiloWatts-hour, then we will proceed as following:
E(kWh) = 2.777778·10-7 × E(J) = 1000J × 2.777778·10-7 = 0.00027777777778 kWh
Definition of Joule provided by Dictionary.com
the standard unit of work or energy in the International System of Units (SI), equal to the work done by a force of one newton when its point of application moves through a distance of one meter in the direction of the force: equivalent to 10 7ergs and one watt-second.
Definition of kiloWatt-hour provided by Dictionary.com
a unit of energy, equivalent to the energy transferred or expended in one hour by one kilowatt of power; approximately 1.34 horsepower-hours.
Joules and kWh (kilowatt-hour) are two energy units. Joules and kWh (kilowatt-hour) units are used in various fields of activity such as physics, chemistry and other industries. This calculator is useful both for those who’s working in these fields of activity but also for students who study energies as Joules and kWh (kilowatt-hour) at school.
Our Joules to kWh (kilowatt-hour) converter is especially designed to make your calculations fast. You just need to enter Joules value on the first box and the converter will do the rest for you and automatically convert Joules to kWh (kilowatt-hour).
Also you have formula for converting Joules to kWh (kilowatt-hour) if you need that in your calculations, but we recommend you to use the Joules to kWh (kilowatt-hour) converter because is very fast and accurate for simple conversions.
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